Vancouver-based, Jane Bronsch has been a full-time professional artist for many years. She has exhibited throughout Canada and the US, and has her works in numerous private and corporate collections.

`The process of applying skins of colour to suggest space where there was flatness, and light where there was darkness, is itself an intellectual endeavor` – Bryan Rutenberg, artist.

`In today`s world, obsessed with speed and mass production, creating a one-of-a-kind visual form is my mission. When people say that my painting calms them down or takes them somewhere, there is no bigger compliment. The purpose of art is to take you away from what your swirling thoughts were a second ago, on a quick journey into an artist`s world of the imaginary. The process of creating an artwork is an incredible and fascinating ride we artists are forever thankful to have the potential to perform.` Jane Bronsch