Artist Carole Malcolm- Oceanside Art Gallery

Born in 1958 and raised in a rural area outside of Moncton, New Brunswick, Carole has been drawing and painting ever since she can remember. Growing up, her family spent weekends and vacations camping along the beaches and rivers throughout the Atlantic Provinces, Quebec and Ontario, her dad an avid fly fisherman and her mom a nature lover who grew up on a farm in Quebec. Carole couldn’t wait to get out of the Maritimes because she thought the pace of life was too slow, the towns too small and imagined that the grass had to be greener everywhere else.

Out of high school, she joined the Canadian Armed Forces while continuing to paint the varied landscapes/flora of Canada. In 1995, she had the opportunity to live in Colorado for six years where she began to paint full time, attend arts related business classes, workshops, teach watercolor classes, paint murals and faux finish walls.   Read More

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